I must take a break from the beach talk to make note of Elem and his 13 month milestones. As of today our little baby boy is 13 months old! As I say every month, time seems like it is just flying by and I don't know where it is going. Its like I turn around and my little baby is all grown up! Well, this month, more than ever, I feel as if there have been so many new things that Elem has been doing, he is no longer a baby but a toddler. I know he is really not a toddler till he is like 2 years old, but seriously, this month, as I look at him today, there has been this shift in everything- in his look-physically, in his words, mannerisms, etc. and it just amazes me every time I look into his big blue eyes. Elem is so smart, so mobile physically, and so alert it is almost scary. I am not sure if it is just a mother's love thinking he is ahead of schedule, or if that breast milk really did its thing and got my baby a little head start on life. hehe. Every mother thinks the world of her child, as do I, and each day I see something new and special that I didnt see the day before. I love watching you grow Elem Zane and it is enlightening to see you learning and so happy. You are a blessing and a joy to have in our lives, and we are so happy.
My favorite time of day continues to be when Elem wakes up each morning and I walk into his room and see those big barely awake blue eyes, giant happy grin, and crazy bed head as you raise up from your crib. I am usually awaken by the call of "Minnie!" It is so sweet and melts my heart from the moment I hear it in our room. And then as I peak into the nursery, and through the crib bars, that is my most favorite moment. The start of every day, (usually) happy and with no reservations.
AT 13 months Elem is:
-walking and running on his own-with no help what so ever!
-trying to feed himself with a baby spoon or fork, or anything he can get his hands on
-putting lids on water bottles, cannisters, etc.
-climbing onto the furniture, onto the stool and chair with no assistance. Still needs help to get on the couch.
-sleeping from 8:30pm to 5am, gets a bottle, and sleeps till 7 or 8am
-bends over and picks up items with ease
-loves water (pools) and bath time. Does not mind water in his face.
-Loves to dance and dances any time he hears music or someone singing.
-Loves to move the tuner button and the volume button on the radio and can find an actual station on his own.
-says: momma, daddy, minnie, dog, ball, grammy, yay, hey, hi, by, night night, bot (for bottle), go, annie(ali's dog)-we think anyways, Janey (for Janet, a teacher at school), sage ( or aaaaage), no, no no no, and I think that is it. These words are recognizable, but not perfect. he still needs work.
-likes to be read to, and his favorite book is Brown Bear Brown Bear what do you see.
-Can go and find Brown Bear Brown Bear if you ask him to go and get it from his room.
-Drinks from a cup during the day but a bottle at bed and nap times.
-Can carry a basketball (grown up size) around the house and throw it to you
-Can throw a ball on command and after saying 1, 2, 3 Go!
-Sweeps with brooms
-put items in a container and empty them as well.
-knows that balls go in the basketball goal
-says no to things and shakes his head no.
-sings if you are singing and smiles.
-laughs at things he thinks are funny and smiles when he is happy.
-will draw with a crayon or glue when someone puts glue on the page.
-holds any phone up to his ear as if he were talking
-recently started talking in more than one word situations like...do, ga, da, ga, da, ga, da, ga, duh, go. Trying to say something, but we are just not sure what.
-Can follow directions if using familiar words, like go get the ball.
-recognizes friends and family that hasnt seen in a few days or weeks.
-waves hello and goodbye to everyone
-points at your nose if asked where is my nose.
-pulls off socks.
-loves to ride in riding toys outside, and loves to swing, and climb on outside toys. Can run through a shallow pool of water and is obsessed with being outside as long as possible.
-still only has 6 teeth-4 up top and 2 on bottom, but is cutting the next two on the bottom-they are just taking forever! Not really sure what the hold up is!
Wow that is a lot of stuff huh?? Its just so weird to see him actually understanding what you are saying or doing, and trying to tell you things. He tries to tell me things at school and at home that I never understand, but he really wants to get across. He is such a happy mannered baby still..but has started having some really bad fits. Its like he is testing us very badly! He cries and has some crazy fit, then can turn it off in a second. So we are trying to ignore those and hope they just pass on away. he also is having some separation anxiety at school where he wants me to pick him up every time he sees me. Other than that he is just excelling physically and can hang with the 3 and 4 year olds, and do pretty much anything they can do. He loves to run and play and just be free. Doesn't want much help on anything and is very independent.
He is still my baby boy and will have sweet lovy cuddle time with mommy like a few times a week, but for the most part he is growing into his own little man hood and trying to explore everything and be his own person. His disposition is always happy and willing to work with, but gets frustrated if he cant do something or say something that he wants to get across!. Elem, we love you and you are such a great little boy. I can only imagine where you will be in one more month.
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