Seriously, who knew baths could be so much fun?? Especially in this time of frustration, a bath is exactly what the doctor called for! Ever since Elem started with this whole diarrhea thing, I am sure you can only imagine what it has done to his poor "bobo". :( It has not been kind. But a good ole bath is just the cure.
**TIP OF THE DAY** And a little secret I learned from my Mother In Law, which has saved us many a sore booty, is to throw in a handful of baking soda into the warm bath. Making sure that the kiddo soaks in it for a while. It somehow normalizes all the burning that is going on, and soothes it. Great mommy tip for those of you with a baby with a sore booty-and who dont know which one of those thousands of cremes to put on your kid first. There were so many that I could never choose! So I stick with good ole Aquaphore and a nice soda bath to calm my babies booty!
Although it has been quite pitiful to see him in pain and struggling to walk he is so raw, its good to know that the bath is a place to see some smiles. Puts a little peace back into your soul to see your child go from miserable to giggling. :) Which is what we all want for our children right?
And when in the bath, I tend to be what you might call a free play bath time mommy. :) I feel like it is a great time to explore and be messy, I mean it is only water right? One of Elem's favorite things to do is to empty and fill up cups, over, and over, and over again.
He also uses this time to practice swimming skills. I believe he is a natural in the water, but then again, I am his mom.
Be it in the bath tub-
Or in the sink-
Water is water so its all the same to him. With the increase in baths he has developed somewhat of an obsession, and he tends to take at least 1-2 per day, sometimes even three. haha. Each time going, "I wan baa". It is so cute. WHatever makes him happy for now will just have to be acceptable right. Hey at least I know he is squeaky clean too! And he comes out a happier, not so irritated little boy. So I am down with it.
Oh, Mindy, I just caught up on your last blog post-I had no idea Elem was still sick! I'm praying for y'all today, that you get the answers you want and that Elem will feel better soon. Let us know what happens!
What a sweet boy, I hope he starts feeling better...I can only imagine how irritated his hiney must be. Poor baby.
(on a side note, he has fantastic hair I would kill for it!)
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