Sunday, August 16, 2009

Good-bye summer

.......For my summer program school age kids that is. I don't usually blog about work, but lately it has been taking up so much of my time, and become such a major part of my life that I can't NOT blog about it. For starters, I can not believe that the summer is over and that a new school year is already starting!!!! Although I do not work for the school district, as many of you know, timing does play an important roll in the programs that I am able to offer to the children who participate in our programs. Every year, Our House, (the shelter I work for) provides free childcare to homeless children birth-age 5, and then free after school care to homeless children and at risk youth in the surrounding area ages 6-17, and then during the summer, we provide free care for school age children M-F from 9am-3pm. Oh and did I mention we do this for about 55 youth!?? I have been the Director of the Child Care and Youth Programs for about 2 and 1/2 years now, and realizing that I tried so hard not to let that part of my life(work related) intertwine or take over time with my family life and friends, it is slowly becoming inevitable that the job I have, DOES impact my life and those around me. I really wanted to share a little bit because my job is so important to me, no matter how much it stresses me out, and not matter how many insane hours I seem to work each day, and no matter how it seems to monopolize so much of my time, even when I am away from the center. It is just one of those jobs, that either you are in it because you have a passion to help people, or you just wont make it. Not that I am planning to be in this line of work forever-because lets face it, the Non Profit World is a stressful one :) , but so far, it has opened my heart in so many ways, and really opened my eyes to how many children here in Little Rock alone really do need US. Uhm wow, that was a little mini tangent...Now are you getting the picture why I tend to get a little behind on my blogging? :)

This year, and this summer more than ever, the kids at the shelter have really made an impact on not only ME, but also on Elem. And I never really saw that one coming, but it did, and along with "some" bad, comes some really good. Luckily, Elem gets to go to school with me each and every day, so I get to see him any time I want, AND I get to be in charge of exactly what he is learning. Ahh, I love circle time! haha. That is so not normal, but anyways. I loved the randomness of how this summer, myself and my staff were the roll models for the kids, but in addition, those school age kids were also being a roll model for my little 2 year old. And that seemed to make all the difference in the world to me, and really turned into an indescribable feeling, watching them "take care" of Elem, and "be a good friend" to him, etc. Elem of course didn't think anything of it, because I think he feels like he owns the whole place. Well at least that his mommy runs the place, so he must be next in line! haha!

Here are just a few of the kids who participated in the program this summer. I took this pic on a field trip to the Little Rock Zoo. (yes I have media releases for all children who participate in my program! haha! ) Some very bright and shining stars in this pic.

My job has affected my family life in so many ways, and some that I never had imagined. Elem has made some of his best friends by being a part of the shelter. I love that he has no walls up. He is not blinded by color. And does not see rich or poor. He just sees-his friends. Something that I could never have taught him in a lesson at circle time. Just something he "does". Although some very aggressive hitting has surfaced recently and I am not proud of that, but hey, some good has gotta come with the bad, right? :) He is not one to get pushed around, I can tell ya that.

Here he is with one of the school age girls, Maiya. She was actually one of my preschoolers when I first started my job. And here she is scootering and skateboarding with Elem.

Elem is really serious about this...he has a slight love for skateboards. I see many accidents and injuries in our near future if this obsession continues.

The school age kids, ALWAYS want to come and help me in the childcare. Which would be okay if I didn't have about 15-16 kids in the child care everyday. Not a whole lot of room for extra bodies in there! But still, they are such the little mommies, and sure know how to take care of their siblings way more than they should. Even though they should be playing, they are always wanting to help, and make you proud of them. Or just get a smile from you. Doesn't get much better than that. (And no I did not pick out that lavender color in the nursery. I am still not happy about that. But beggers cant be choosers. :))

I love that this summer I was able to take Elem on a few of the field trips with the school age kids. Not only was it a chance for me to spend time with Elem during a regular work day doing something fun, but it was also a chance for him to interact with the bigger kids outside of the shelter grounds. Which is so important for those kids. To be able to go out and have fun and forget about the craziness of what all is happening in their everyday life. Here is Elem and Rory playing in the water mist, just trying to stay cool. She quite possibly COULD be the youngest little "mommy" I have ever met. Always wanting to help with the little kids, holding their hands, feeding them, playing with them, wise beyond her years, and has a life story already at age 9, more than I could ever have handled.

My sweet babies. Just a few of them, one of them my own, and the others I love.... and discipline, like my own. :) hehe.

So with just a few pics, I am saying good-bye to the summer, and along with that means Good-bye to the Summer Program. It was HUGELY stressful summer, but also my favorite so far since I started this job. Makes me so thankful for everything I have, and how lucky I am to have so many people who love me and my family. At this time in my life, I couldnt have asked for a better job in regards to life lessons learned. Fewer hours, and less stress-Yes :) But indescribable feeling and overwhelming sense of love to those who need it most-nothing could compare.


Holly Aytes said...

That was a great post! I didn't really know what you did and know I do! You are right, you have to really love that kind of work to do it. Some jobs you can just do and others you have to be passionate about, sounds like you are passionate about what you do. Yeah for Elem getting to be exposed to a side of life most of our kids don't get to see. I love how kids don't see color they just see "friends" :) Love the innocence that kids have.

Scott said...

Mindy Lou - I am so glad you blogged about this and let us have a glimpse of your work day and heart. You are such a beautiful, giving person and I can not think of a person better suited for this job than you! :)

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