Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ice Creme Sandwiches with Papaw

Our trip to Memphis included way too many good times to just squeeze them all into one post. It would have been the longest post ever! So I broke it down into some key things that I wanted to remember and that Elem enjoyed. One of the things I am most thankful that I was able to catch on video was Elem and Papaw having a sweet moment over an ice creme sandwich. I have mentioned before, but my dad suffers from Alzheimer's Disease, and has been for several years now. Although he is not the same as he used to be, he still loves being around everybody and I love to watch him interact with Elem (and Sage!). Sometimes I can't tell which one is having more fun being silly and goofy-Elem or my dad. :) It is really sweet. On this particular night, we had just finished a great big dinner courtesy of my mom-the fabu cook- and my dad grabbed an ice creme sandwich for desert. Elem had been offered several choices for desert, but the only thing he wanted, was just the same as his Papaw was having. So...they sat, side by side, both just happy to have their ice creme sandwiches, and enjoyed a little conversation, and a sweet kiss along the way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are awesome pics!!!!

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