Elem has developed a true love for the Razorbacks-and I would say 70% of it is on his own! Yes the rest 30% was forced upon him from the day he was born, and from every single family member/hog fan in the state. But seriously, his true love for those Hogs goes beyond what I could ever have imagined a little 3 year old boy could have. I must admit, I couldn't be happier-nor could Seth, to hear Elem rambling off Razorback football players names and numbers, and all other sorts of information about Bobby Petrino, that-lets face it, he really shouldn't know. But it makes being a Razorback fan all the more fun! And I wouldn't have it any other way. If you are an Arkansan and you aren't brought up a Razorback fan-then you just aren't a true Arkansan now are you? (I wasn't a born Razorback fan, but when I moved to Arkansas, I quickly learned the tradition, and I jumped on board ASAP. )
I am hoping to see this little dude in a REAL Razorback jersey one of these days, so his mommy can cheer him on from the sidelines.
Elem has not actually BEEN to see a real Razorback game, but we are thinking that next year will be the year for him. We wanted to take him really bad this year, but he isnt really one for sitting and watching, more like sitting and watching for about 15 minutes and wanting to get out on the field and play for the rest of the time. With Seth being as insane of a Razorback fan as he is, that means, Seth would enjoy the game, and I would be in the concession area throwing a mini football with Elem wondering what is happening every time the fans go crazy. Needless to say, we opted out for this past season. BUT next year Elem will get to see his first Razorback football game-we hope! For now, he has been to a few tailgating opportunities at War Memorial here in Little Rock, and that is about all the can handle at one time when it comes time to Razorback partying for a day. If you have never been tailgating at War Memorial stadium here in Little Rock before a Razorback game, you have no idea what you are missing out on! I believe just about all of Little Rock shows up for tailgating, tickets or not, young or old, rich or poor, and celebrates the HOGS from about 5am till way after the game is over. It is so much fun, and some of our great friends have an awesome spot on the golf course where we can hang out and have tons of room for the kids (and adults) to play. This last Razorback game against LSU has to have been the most memorable and one of THE top parenting moments of all time for me. Silly I know, but it was so amazing, and I am so thankful we took Elem.
Here we are showing our love for War Memorial Stadium. Looks a little drab in the background, but all the red and white is over by Tusk at the moment, it filled up shortly after this pic!
After spending plenty of time with friends, eating lots of good food, playing some Baggo, and throwing the football around, we headed off to take Elem to see the "hog"-the mascot, named "Tusk". And he- LOVED- it. It was hilarious, and he was so excited about really seeing the actual real razorback hog. Tusk is HUGE, and quite the poser I might add, he seemed to totally be soaking up all the attention he was getting, but I wasn't quite tall enough to get a good pic of him. Here is ELem and Seth-grinning from ear to ear after seeing Tusk. **Excuse that man in the yellow and purple in the background-how dare he get in my picture! hehe.
After checking out Tusk, we had planned on letting Elem see the players. We knew it would be like a dream come true for him to actually see the players who he cheers for each week, and pretends to be when he is playing football! Connecting that they are actual people, seeing how big they are, understanding that those players on TV are not just on TV all the time, is something I have really been trying to get across to him-but it is a little difficult for a preschooler to grasp! Knowing that the players arrive about 2 hours before the game, we went ahead and lined up super early along the path where they would be walking through because we wanted to be on the front row, so Elem would have a chance to see. Quickly, the masses started pouring in, red and white arms seemed to be flailing all about, and people started squishing in once it got a little closer to time, but Seth and I did not give up our space! We hung tight on the front row, just to make sure Elem got to have his little moment. Seth kept informing me and Elem that the Hogs would be early or on time, because Bobby Petrino is serious about his schedule. haha. It seemed to keep Elem interested and from having a minor meltdown. When we heard the sirens coming down Markham, we knew the bus was close, and Elem started getting so pumped up and excited, he just could not contain himself. First up-Boss Hog. Elem was beyond excited he got to talk to Boss Hog several times, give him lots of hugs, and get pictures made. Thank you Boss Hog -you made Elem's day, starting off the happiness with you!
I could not have imagined the pure excitement and almost unreal feelings that were about to happen-all because of the Razorbacks!!! The players filed off the bus, and of course the madness of the Razorback Fans began. Everyone was calling the hogs, cheerleaders were out, I think the band came through and was playing music, and it was all red and white everywhere! The players walked through, somewhat single file, with their game faces on, and of course couldn't actually stop to talk to the fans, but they didn't even have to! As they walked through, they simply held out their hands, and smiled here and there, of course trying to stay focused on the big game! I knew it was going to be a magical moment for Elem, but I just didn't know which players he would actually recognize or get to shake their hands. I am serious when I say my little boy stuck his hand out as far as his little arm would go, just to touch those Razorback players, and it seriously was like a "surreal" moment for him. Watching Elem smile non stop, stare in awe and almost confusion with his eyes as big as they could get, when he saw Joe Adams, Ryan Mallett, DJ Williams, Greg Childs (even though he was hurt..sniff sniff.), Jake Bequette, Knile Davis, Tramain Thomas, and so many more of the Razorbacks. I could hear him giggling with excitement when the players he knew walked by, and he got to touch their hands, and it was like I said one of my most happy moments as a mom. It sounds crazy I know, that giving college football players high 5's and seeing them in person, could mean so much to someone so little, but it seriously was a dreamlike moment.
My most vivid memories of the entire experience were when Joe Adams , Greg Childs, and Ryan Mallett walked by. Elem is obsessed with all 3 of them, and looks up to them more than anyone else I can think of in the sports realm. He talks about them non stop, has mini football conversations, huddles and makes game plans with them included in the routes (haha), plays football games against them, where he is one or more of them and the other 2 or 3 are tackling him. This kid knows all of their numbers and of course has to be their number, and wear their jerseys every single chance he possibly gets. (if you remember correctly, he was Joe Adams for Halloween and getting that number 3 ironed on to the back of that little jersey was serious business!)It just goes on and on. As soon as Joe Adams walked through and Elem saw who it was, I saw nothing but genuine happiness. I know it meant nothing to Joe Adams, and we were just another set of crazy fans stretching out to tell him "good luck", but it meant everything to Elem! Joe Adams looked right at Elem, was smiling all the way as he walked, Elem got to touch hands with him, and it seriously made his entire year.
Through the line, one after another, Elem stretched and stretched to keep his hand out there, getting to give so many of the players "5's" and still grinning with excitement beyond belief. When I saw Ryant Mallett coming through, I knew Elem was going to be in dismay. And he was. As soon as Elem saw him, he started screaming, "mommy, mommy I see Ryan Mallett". He gave him a 5 and as Ryan Mallett kept on walking, Elem was throwing his fist in the air saying "yes! yes! I did it". It was almost in like a whisper, like he was telling himself, haha. It was so adorable to see him so happy. He turned and said, "mommy, Ryan Mallett is so big, mommy mommy, did you see him? Did you see Ryan Mallett? I gave him a 5". Ahh, melt my heart right there. (Not to mention my 30 year old husband was doing the same thing right next to me-but thats besides the point).
The only person Elem didn't get to see that he wanted to was Bobby Petrino. Elem kept asking, "mom, where is Bob Petrino? He better come out here cause all the other players are here." haha. Seth quickly informed him that "Bob" Petrino wouldn't dare lose site of the game plan by walking around outside of War Memorial for fans to distract him. Elem appeared to get it! haha. So we will hope for Bob Petrino for another day.
Who in the world knew that a football team from Fayetteville, Arkansas could give so many people hope and happiness???? I knew the HOGS were loved, and I know how true us Razorback fans are to our team, but to know that they could give my little 3 year old, probably one of the best days of his entire life until this point, just amazes me. I love that he loves sports, and I love that he loves this team, and I love everything about the memory that he will seriously hold onto for who knows how long! He still talks about it, and it keeps me smiling more than I could describe when I think about the feelings and emotions he was showing as he got to do something as simple as give a college football player a high 5. Wheeewww. Kind of deep thoughts for a college football experience, but when they mean so much to your kid, what are you gonna do? Go Hogs Go!
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