The routine goes much like this: I open the fridge, and Elem goes right to where the yogurt is, and pulls on it to get it out. Then I take it from him, and he goes to the spoon drawer where we keep all the silverware! haha, yes I swear he does ( he also does that when he knows it is time for dinner, kind of like to tell me, "hey they are in here, get it, quick!) I strip him down to his diaper, give him a spoon, and then I open the yogurt, while he goes and sits down on the floor! Yogurt can be quite messy, so I would rather clean it up off the floor and off my naked babies body, rather than detail the high chair every single night.
One thing he hasnt quite figured out is exactly where the best place to sit would be. In this case, as you can see, right next to Sage's dog bowl, looked pretty comfy.
From that point on, he is all on his own! He keeps it right between his legs on the floor ad just feeds himself till it is all gone!
Yum, yum yum!
I wanted a pic with my yogurt face baby. He didnt think it was worthy enough of his time to actually put the spoon down to say cheese.
But while I was down there he did want to share the goodness with mommy. Sweet baby.
It is so cute to watch sometimes, cause that slippery yogurt will fall right off the spoon. But bless his little heart, he tries his hardest to make sure he gets at least a little something all the way to his mouth, every single time!
In the end, he will give it up quietly, but not until he gets that one last bite.
And that, is what we call the yogurt routine. After the yogurt, he tends to get up and run laps around from our kitchen to the dining room, to the living room, and on into the kitchen. That is also something new that is going on around here and it is just about funnier than the actual eating of the yogurt itself. :) Now as a side note, please take note of the outfit in these pictures. First of all I would like to point out that these are Elem's very first pair of boxer briefs. Too cute, so I had to buy them. Secondly, you might think you have seen these before in a recent post. And that is because you have! This yogurt routine occurred only minutes after the insane fit that I documented on about 2 posts ago. So as you can see, he forgets about them quickly and moves on. But during them, you think you are going to pull your hair out! Thank goodness for yogurt time.
if he has diarrhea watch out for the yogurt. i am glad that he at least likes the yogurt. he is truly so extremly handsome with that blondish hair and tan skin. he is beautiful like his momma.
Yea Yogurt time! I love it. The pictures are precious and again, I agree with Becky, Elem is beautiful just like his momma!
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