However, when I hear him talk it just sounds natural and I totally understand what all he is saying. Its like a secret language and I just seem to "get it". I guess I am biased but I assumed that everyone could understand him and he was speaking very clearly. But after I have listened very close I have noticed that MANY of his words run together and arent fully completed when he is talking. so I am working really hard not to repeat the words he is using with the way he said it but rather the correct way in hopes that he mimics me and says it right going forward. Currently he is saying many harder words and many muli-syllable words such as "mokykle" for motorcycle and "tiankel" for triangle, and "chokamilk" for chocolate milk. As well as putting more than a few words in a sentence and actually making sense with it. He is also "using" more words in a sentences rather than just repeating sentenecs when someone asks him to say something. Some of my not so favorite phrases he is currently using include the following:
I aweridy did.......meaning I already did
I don wan to........meaning I dont want to
Lee me alone........meaning leave me alone
YOU dew it..........meaning you do it mommy
Yew took uhm my way...........meaning you took it away
Although all of the above are so funny that I have to hide my face to not show my laugh, they are still a bit rude. haha. And I definatley do not want Elem sounding rude already! Who knows what he will sound like by the time he is 16. But my point is the verbal communication is increasing at such a speed that I cant even keep up! One day he is saying a slew of words and I feel like I know about everything, and then the next he has all these new phrases! I guess it will never stop, but it is so fun to see him changing and learning and just coming into his own. :)
Awww...enjoy the sweet little baby words while you can. For about the past year I had been holding on to Liv's last two baby words...Banilla (Vanilla) and Tarcoons (Cartoons). Alas, someone has been setting her right behind my back and now they are all gone. It's awesome the way you chronicle all these things cause I can't even hardly remeber the rest of Liv's baby words. You're such a good Mama!
I agree with Jaime! You are such a good momma and sooooooo good at blogging about all the little important things that will be nice to look back on! It is so hard to believe that Aidan is almost going to be 7 months old...I need to start jotting down all of these firsts stat! :)
Cant wait to see you guys soon!!
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