Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bathing suit bonanza.

I literally JUSt got home like 2 hours ago from my work day. I am feeling soooo tired and insanely dragged down lately. Currently I have 50 children's swim suits sitting in my car that I purchased from Old Navy tonight. I also have 54 towels that I got from Walmart, along with a few extra things I had to grab last minute since I was there. Man I never thought I would hear myself say that I am so sick of shopping! And Old Navy and Walmart are 2 of my very favorite stores that I actually try to hit up like every weekend. However, this weekend I am totally out! The swim suits and towels are for the kids at school, they will be swimming every week as part of my summer program for the school age kids! On the plus side, they are going to LOVE the suits and towels. And the swimming for that matter. On the flip side, I feel like I have worked about 90 hours this week and we are not even to Friday yet. Man oh man, I havent been this tired in so long. I also have a test in my Anatomy and Physiology class this weekend and need to rock it to keep up my "A" average! Been a long time since I have been to school so I have been working extra hard on get the grade I wanted. Okay enough venting...but I am in need of a serious "umph" if you know what I mean. Momma is struggling, daddy is out of town, and Elem is going through the needy me stage, that I think he has been stuck on for at least a year. :) Also, the baby birds that have been living in the nest right outside my back door have hatched and are now about 2 weeks old. One jumped out of the nest yesterday for the first time, and I am happy to say that the bed of towels and pillows that I put on the grown safely cushioned the fall. hehehe. I knew they needed my help to ensure the safety of the babies! Lets hope to morrow goes smooth, swimming is fun, and the kiddies all go home on time!


becky said...

You are sooo smart. I know you will keep that A and you will make such a great peds nurse when you are finished.

Brittney said...

WOW, you did some serious shopping! I thought you had bought Elem bathing suits for the rest of his life or something! I LOVE the pics of Elem jumping to his daddy...those are precious!

Jim and Katie said...

Goodness! If you need any help with the kiddos at school let me know! I can help with shopping or anything else you need after hours. Also, I love that you put pillows under the nest. We had a nest of robins last year and I never even thought of that but I watched them every day and it was so bittersweet when they all flew away! Have a good weekend!

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