Tuesday, July 3, 2007

On our way to a healthy family

Thats right we are all on out way to a healthy family. And just in time I might add for July 4th, which is tomorrow. Although Elem is doing better, just has a lot of congestion in his head and snot in his nose, and I am kinda getting rid of this cough and my throat is not as sore, Seth has unfortunatley cought our sickness. He was the only one out of our family, his parents, and Ali and Dustin and Cecilia to not get it. But we spoke to soon cause yesterday he woke up with some head and chest congestion and now he has a cough. But he did catch it early and went on in to the doc to get a zpac so at least he is already on day two of those antibiotics! Hopefully he will be feeling better so that he can have a good time tomorrow. We are just planning on going to his parents to meet his sis and fam and just do some grilling out and spend some pool time. If Elem is feeling good and up to it, he will be doing some swimming too! :0 I cant wait! No fireworks though-if it were up to me there would never ne any fireworks. Although they are beautiful those ones that go way up in the air, they are so dangerous. And I do not want Elem to EVER be doing them. haha. I know that is not going to happen but I can dream cant I?

I havent really taken many pics of Elem this last week and a half or so cause he hasnt felt to good, but I do have these few of his having some happy time on his changing table and a couple of the day he started feeling better. They are way cute cause he is in his animal nightgown which he looks sooo freaking cute in! haha. For real though, its a hand-me -down from my cousin an Ann and I love it. So cute. Hand-me-downs are the best. Cause really they have only been worn like 3-4 times. They are sooo adorable.

Did I tell you that he LOVES the changing table?? Well he does. We put him up there and its like he is so happy to be laying down up so high. But you kniow I guess I would love it too. It must suck to always be on your back so much lower than everybody else. Anyways, I took these while he was playing and chilling after getting his diaper changed and his clothes changed. Its almost like he is posing. I love em!

ANd then here is is passed out on the couch. He is so funny.He falls asleep in any position and in any place. Here, as you can see, he is in a random place on the couch, where I was laying next to him and snuck out and left him to rest. Seriously that nightgown is so cute. And for those of you who are like, why do you put your little boy in a nightgown cause they are for girls...well they are not. Its so much easier to put just something over their head and not have to deal with buttons when you are getting up in the middle of the night. And when you have a fussy baby who doesnt feel like dealing with the bttons and what not. So hear me out, you will love the nightgowns if you ever get any.

ANd then here he is on the couch, just chill whie we played a little bit. The pic is a littel fuzzy but it was the best one I had. Since he didnt feel too hot I was trying not to use the flash so this is what we ended up with.

Anyways, like I said, we are all on our way to getting better and hopefully the 4th will be fun and we will all be feeling lots and lots better. Good enough to swim and eats lots of food at least! :)

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