Well there are lots and lots of things that mommy and daddy think are awesome! But these are the main ones!
-I know my mommy and daddy and smile as soon as I see them!
-I also know many other people and smile when I see them!
-will pretty much go to anyone and let them hold me, but do get upset here and there if they freak me out or are all up in my face
-make lots and lots of "talking" noises. I like to say da da da da da da da da da! and ba ba ba ba ba
-Also like to do a high pitch scream several times a day-not upset, just pure excitement
-am obsessed with my fist and try to put the entire thing in my mouth daily
-has complete head control-no worries of bobbling
-recognize voices without seeing the person
-like to jump around in my exersaucer
-can stand on my legs and put pressure on them for as long as you will let me
-love books! and want to look at every page
-likes music too! like it best when it is loud and we are in the car! it puts me right to sleep
-am eating applesauce, bananas, oatmeal cereal, and rice cereal
-laugh al the time, you just have to look at me the right way!
-am super ticklish, especially under my arms, on my tummy, and on my back!
-can grab just about anything
-can switch from one hand to another
-can grab with both hands and pick something up or pull something down
-have rolled over a few times, but still dont really want to do it regularly
-like to role from my back or stomach to my side and chill like that!
-like to grab hair and not let go
-love love love to people watch! take me anywhere i can see people and i'll be soooo good
-blows bubbles wth mouth and spit
-still not sleeping through the night, because i wake up wanting to breastfeed about 2 or 3
pull everything i see to my mouth
-am drooling like crazy
-can sit up somewhat, for a second at least
-will humm or "sing" with you if you are singing to me
-am obsessed with cans and cant get enough of them!
-turns head to see where the voice is coming from and find you
I think there are tons more, but the little one is making it difficult to type! ha! later!
OH MY GOODNESS LOU-LOU! Look at that face! He is absolutely beautiful! I think he totally looks like you & Seth!
He is so cute! I love his cheeks...do you just squeeze them all the time!
Love, B
and he has the cutest baby rolls I have ever ever seen!!!!
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