Daily I am surprised, overwhelmed, and in complete amazement at the words Elem Zane can say! Although there are about 50 bazillion I dont think anyone can understand, I have been wanting to document all those that I can understand, before he starts speaking in sentences and I forget where it all began. So today, I am simply jotting down for my own documentation- those words that I know he says often. It is a little tricky because he will repeat anything and everything you say, so I could go on and on. But I will stick to the words he says without me having to ask him to say very often. For the most part, this is his current vocabulary.
mommy. daddy. go. eat eat. wah you (for love you). bye. hey. ja-net. coo-kie. ca-cka (for cracker). sage. fu-ball (for football). shoe. papa. ayi (for ali). du-pin (for dustin). sissy. no. bottle. wa wa (for water). bath. bank (for blanket). trash. ball. big cruck (for big truck). ohhhh. wow. back back (for back pack). night night. out tide (for outside). two. three. me. bir (for bird). pane (for airplane). car. keys. baby. duck. cak (for quack). moo. tar (for star). pease (for please). tank you (for thank you). out. up. peepee. poopoo. potty. eyes. nose. teeth. hair. brush teeth. bocks (for blocks). bite. juice. yo yo (for yogurt). memaw. kecky (for becky). nana (for banana). vacoom (for vacuum). diap diap (for diaper). uh oh. ouch. i wan (for I want). yum yum. cow. lets go. com-on. bat-man. bear. boom (for broom). choo choo. hep me (for help me). sock. name. yite (for night lite). prite ( for sprite-thank the grand parents for this one). off. how (for house). ong (for songs). ice. toe. kiy cat (for kitty cat). dis (for this). that. side (for slide). cheese. bone bone (for sages nones). ba-be-ball (for basketball). poon (for spoon and/or uncle spoon). had (for uncle chad).
From what I can count, that is a total of 81 words that he uses on a regular basis. I know there could be more, but these are the norm around the house and when we are out. If I were to add every word he repeats, we would be here for days, so this is it for now! so cool to finally hear your baby start telling you what he wants or at least pointing you in the direction of what he is referring to or longing for. I think we are prepared for the talking, we really encourage it, and work with the flash cards and what not. once the talking back starts, I think we will have a different tune. :) We are really looking forward to seeing how these words change, and how new words come into his vocabulary over the next few weeks and months.
He is so intelligent! Of course I am totally unbiased. The video of him counting to three was precious. In a few years you will be so glad you have it. It really captures a stage of his life. You are really good at getting good snipets of his life...and he is always moving , so it is hard to do. I've tried, I can't.
Oh yeah, Dad got a chuckle out of Elem throwing the ball at you . ...his kind of humor.
good to know dad was watching the important part. haha. No that was Seth's favorite part too!
That many words at 17 months is great! Now it becomes a matter of not saying anything you don't want repeated!
It looks like you have a genius on your hands!!
Aw, yay Elem! Not only pretty, but smart too! :-)
I think it is time for a diet update please
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