Thursday, June 25, 2009

He would have loved you.

As cheesy as it may sound, I must pay tribute to the "King Of Pop", Michael Jackson. Today we mourn the death of a beloved musician and dancer, one who received so much grief form the public eye for choices he made, but still proved to be an icon in the music industry. seth told me today that the first tape he ever had was BAD by Michael Jackson. For some reason I remember listening to "It Doesn't Matter if You're Black or White" throughout my child hood. I guess i am kind of in shock that MJ has passed away, although all I can assume is that he is at peace. From one music lover to another, I can be certain that Elem would have loved Michael. And most likely WILL love MJ in some form or fashion. Whether he is trying to learn the moonwalk, or trying to dance at his wedding to "Thriller" (which is the new thing by the way) :) I am positive that Elem will be and would have been an MJ fan.

Dance on Elem:

Sing like nobody is listening, love like nobody is hurting, and dance like nobody is watching.

We love you Michael, you are a true representation of how the world of music and dance have come about.

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