I am happy to report that as of last week, Elem is back to enjoying his nightly bath! And boy are we excited to report that good news. The anti bath stage was one I was more than happy to see come and go with a quickness, because it was not only annoying, but just down right gross if you let it go for a couple of days. If you know what i mean. :) The key to getting this whole thing going in the right direction was .......da da da da-the shower head! Last week I was racking my brain of things to get Elem excited about the bath, and I finally decided to pull the shower head down to let him hold the sprayer and just have fun with it. Being that he hates showers I wasn't sure if he would go for this, but what do you know-the shower head was a HUGE hit! He played in there for about an hour, and is still excited about the shower head each and every time it gets to come down for some fun! Pretty easy fix for what I thought was such a huge problem. It makes me really happy to see Elem changing even when it is as minor as him hating the bath one week and then loving it the next. He is learning more about testing his boundaries and telling us what he likes and dislikes. Although it is challenging at times, it is so amazing to watch and see his little personality coming together more and more with every day that passes! Currently he is very verbal and demanding, and very direct in what he wants! Although he is quick to anger when he doesn't feel he gets his way immediately, he is quick to apologize, and back down with a little talking to. He is so sweet and loving, and cuddely, and silly. Laughing all the time, and leading the way for his friends to follow his every step!
In addition to the shower head fun, the bath time basketball goal is always a favorite and probably gets more play time than any other toy in our house! We will have to invest in a couple of these before they pull them off the shelfs!
And my little fish has also been brushing up on his swimming skills. I caught him trying to swim and shake around as fast as he could (as much as he could in the limited space!) and he was so proud of himself while he was doing it! I think he will be on the swim team like his mommy! ha!
I snapped this video last week on the first day he decided he was into baths again! I was so excited I had to capture the moment. The audio is good for the first half, but about mid way through I started doing something annoying with the camera so please ignore the shuffling! I was preoccupied with trying to keep the camera above his waste so I could actually use the footage! This really shows just how obsessed Elem is with basketball and what he calls, "2 points"! Those words are heard about 100 times a day at my house-literally!